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Seven years ago, 18-year-old Reese Fallon was celebrating her friend's birthday on the Danforth and 10-year-old Julianna Kozis was enjoying an evening with her family. They were both tragically killed in a shooting, and their deaths are an immeasurable loss to our communities.

This page is in memory of Reese, with short messages from Nate and her loved ones.

A word from Nate

Reese was smart, caring, funny, passionate, and she was out to the make the world a better place.

She is sorely missed by so many, and while there are no words to adequately convey the deep sense of loss felt across our community, in memory of Reese we've shared messages from her loved ones below.

I knew Reese as an active member of our local young Liberals club. For her, our young Liberal team meant spending time with old friends, making new friends, and making a difference. She came with us to a policy convention in Halifax in April of 2018, and helped us every step of the way to make a positive impact.

Politics mattered to Reese, and we should resolve ourselves to honour her memory by making politics matter. I don't only mean by addressing what happened to her – which we must do in partnership with Danforth Families for Safe Communities – but also by addressing what Reese wanted to happen, including strong action on climate change as one example.

We should also resolve to remember Reese through how we practise politics. We honour her memory when we carry ourselves with her passion, her genuine concern for others, her humour, and her overwhelming sense of optimism.

You will find memories and messages below from Reese's loved ones, as well as information about scholarships in her memory. Let us know if you'd like to add a message.

You can learn more about the advocacy of Danforth Families for Safe Communities here.

Lastly, here's my statement from five years ago, remembering Reese Fallon in the House of Commons:

Messages from Loved Ones


Dear Reese, I miss you so much. I think about you all the time and I am so thankful that you're looking down on all of us. You are forever and always loved and remembered for being a one of a kind person who had unconditional love to give. Love you forever Reese.


Reese. I love you, and I miss you. I am reminded every day of what a loving, fascinating, quick-witted person you are, and I am beyond thankful for all the moments I was blessed to experience with you. We are all fighting so hard for you and your astounding legacy. Reese, you are rested in endless love and power. Forever and ever on my mind and in my heart.


I didn't really know Reese that well but I know she had a really bright future ahead of her. She was very smart and never failed to put a smile on her friends' faces. Everyone that I've met that knew and loved Reese always talked about how much of an influence she has had in their lives and spoke about all the amazing things she has done. Reese is somebody I wish I had gotten to know better and is somebody that will forever be missed and loved.


Dear Reese, 2 years without you and I still can't put together words to explain how much I miss you. Thank you for being the best sister ever. I think about you every minute of every day and I miss you more everyday. I can't believe it's been 2 years without a hug from you. My world will never be the same without you. My world has changed forever. I love you. I know you are resting easy reese. we all miss you more than anyone could ever imagine. Love you forever.


Reese, it was an absolute privilege and honour to have known you, and be considered a friend. During these last two years, I've been able to spend time with your family and closest friends and sincerely enjoy every story shared about you. I know you're looking down on us all and you're hopefully proud of the love and friendship we have committed to each other. We'll continue to look after one another, and make sure everyone is having a good time – it's what you would've done. Never forgotten. Forever in our hearts. Rest in love.


Reese, you deserve to be here. There's not a second that goes by that I don't miss your vibrant, witty, and lively self. There will never be enough words to describe the amount of pain we are all in without you here. My heart aches for you angel. Waking up everyday and needing to remind myself that this is real and that my best friend is gone forever has been the most painful feeling in the world. I am still struggling to find words two years later. Thank you for being the best friend a girl could ever ask for. I don't know how I got so lucky to have you in my life. While only being with us all for 18 years, Reese's impact & spirit will live on forever. We will never forget you & Julianna.


Being friends with Reese was truly one of the best moments of my life. I'll never forget the day I met her. I know that it's going to be something that I'll always remember and cherish. Her beautiful personality that shined so bright is always something that comes to mind when I think of her. To this day I look up to how unapologetically she was herself. She continues to inspire me each and everyday and I truly consider that knowing Reese will continue to be one of the best honours of my life. She was one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. I'll miss her forever. I continue to remember Reese as there are things all around me that remind me of her. I think of her whenever I see butterflies outside or the colour red. These memories keep her legacy alive. I hope that I can continue to honour her life everyday.


Reese, it was a privilege to know you. I'll always remember you as a compassionate, funny, caring, person. You could bring humor to any situation. You were there for your friends and were attentive to others when they needed support. The heartfelt words written by your friends are testament to how much of an impact you had on so many people's lives. 18 years is not enough time for the world to get to know you, and yet you made such an impact on my life and the lives of so many others. I know we will all do our best to honour your memory in everything we do. You will always be in our hearts.


My world will never be the same without you. Without your smile. Without your laugh. Without the joy that you brought me each and every day. Without the love and passion that you shared with those around you. It's been exactly two years since I spent my last moments with Reese and not one day out of those 730 days did I not think of her or miss her. I will never forget you Reese, and everything I do for the rest of my life will be in your honour. sisters forever angel. I love you.


Even after two years, not a day goes by that I don't think about Reese. One thing that will stay in my mind forever, and one of the things I valued most about our friendship, is the way Reese was able to make you feel completely at ease no matter how serious the issue or situation was. She radiated positivity and kindness, and with that gave everyone around her the gift of feeling comfort and joy. I'll miss and love you forever.


I still struggle to find the words to describe Reese to someone who never met her. Reese was a unique and indelible person in my life. She had a certain light to her that is indescribable. I will cherish her contagious laugh, forever. There was something about her beautiful smile and laugh that never failed to leave me filled with pure joy. I shared some of my most memorable experiences with Reese and I like to think that she is still reminiscing on the adventures we had together. It is hard to believe that two years have passed and I have not been able to hear her laugh. Now I can only rely on memories. I pledge to myself to always hold memories of her close, but I still feel empty without seeing her here in person. I miss her unique spirit and her drive, her courage, and her kind heart. Reese, you will never be forgotten. I am so thankful to have had you in my life as now I can brag about how amazing a friend you were to my future family and friends.


Reese, you never failed to light up a room with your vibrant smile and kind heart. Having known you, and sharing memories with you is a privilege and honour. You should be here right now. You deserve to be here right now. Without you here physically, we will all keep your impact and spirit alive forever. Thank you for sharing with each of us a piece of your heart, you and Julianna will never be forgotten.


Reese, you have always shined so brightly and beautifully. I miss you so much. When I remember my high school years, I can't help but surround my memories around Reese and the freedom and happiness I felt with all our friends together. It's been two years since the most awful day and it hasn't been the same since. Reese, I am eternally grateful for the love and joy that being your friend brought to my life. We will keep you close to our hearts forever, for the impact you left during your years was monumental.


Dear Reese, thank you for being a part of my family. Thank you for all of the sleepovers, endless meals, laughs, and joy you brought into my life. My memories of childhood surround you and those memories run through my mind like a movie that makes me smile. Your sisters became my sisters and your parents loved and treated me like a daughter. We watched each other grow up and when I was twelve and moved away, you were the only friend that was there to celebrate my birthday by my side. We loved each other deeply and I never wanted to leave you. I would hide on your top bunk when our playdates were over and I'm not sure if our parents couldn't find us or if they just pretended not to. Those are the things I will remember. We all carry a piece of you everywhere we go and your spirit is always with us. Thank you for making me, me. We love you always and forever Reese.


As a person, I don't really have those hangout-everyday friends, but rather friends, who, if I'm lucky, I get to see a few times a year. Friendships that click regardless of time or distance apart. Reese quickly became one of those friends, a person who's genuineness and sassy spirit was simply infectious. I only knew Reese for a couple years, but like everyone here, I thought we'd have a lifetime to create crazy memories and exchange stories. Two years later the grief hasn't subsided, only changed shape. Rest In Peace Reese. Grateful for your light and love you always.

Photo Gallery


Reese was accepted into McMaster University for their nursing program. Her friends and family don't have enough words to explain how desperately she wanted to be admitted into this program, and to eventually become a Registered Nurse. She would have made an incredible nurse. This innate desire of hers to give back to her community professionally and also by engaging in politics is beyond admirable and will be celebrated.

McMaster, has started a memorial scholarship in honour of Reese. At Malvern Collegiate Institute, where Reese attended high school, there will be a yearly Reese Fallon Scholarship awarded to a graduating student who exemplifies the characteristics of Reese.

You can donate to either fund at the links below: